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- MGA Win95 Millennium PowerDesk
- Revision 3.01.014
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- - Description of This Release
- - Floppy Contents
- - Installation
- - Registry Settings
- - Notes, Problems, and Limitations
- Note to users of localized versions: This file may contain some last
- minute information not translated into your language. We apologize for
- the inconvenience.
- Description of This Release
- ---------------------------
- This product includes a Windows 95 display driver AND the Matrox
- PowerDesk for Windows 95, which allows: virtual desktop, hardware
- pan and zoom, DirectDraw driver and more...
- Floppy contents
- ---------------
- Basic Driver files (installed in \Windows\System):
- MGAPDX64.INF Installation support file
- MGAPDX64.DRV MGA Win95 Driver
- MGAPDX64.DLL MGA initialization dll
- MGAXDD.DRV MGA DirectDraw 32-bit driver
- MGAXDD16.DRV MGA 16-bit DirectDraw component
- MGAXDD32.DRV MGA 32-bit DirectDraw component
- MGAXDD.VXD MGA VxD DirectDraw component
- PowerDesk files installed in \Windows\System:
- MGASHEET.DLL MGA Display Property Sheet (replaces regular sheet)
- M_SHEET.DLL Text strings for MGASHEET.DLL
- MGASHEET.HLP Help file for Property Sheet
- MGAMON.DLL MGA Monitor Selection Property Sheet
- M_MON.DLL Text strings for MGAMON.DLL
- MGAMON.HLP Help file for MGA Monitor Selection
- MGACTRL.EXE MGA Control Center (for PowerDesk)
- MGACTRL.DLL MGA Keyboard hooker (for PowerDesk hotkeys)
- M_CTRL.DLL Text strings for MGACTRL.EXE
- MGAPREV.BMP MGA Pixel Depth Preview Bitmaps
- MGABKGND.BMP MGA Background bitmap for property sheets
- SXCIX64.DLL Matrox 3D library
- HGCCPL.DLL MGA Color Property Sheet page
- HGCCPL.HLP Help file for MGA Color Property Sheet
- PowerDesk files installed in \Program Files\Matrox MGA PowerDesk:
- README This file
- ONLINE.DOC Documentation
- \Mon
- MGA.MON MGA Monitor File
- MGA.BIN Compressed MGA.MON monitor File
- \DNav
- MGADNAV.EXE MGA Win95 Desktop Navigator program
- M_DNAV.DLL Text strings for MGADNAV.EXE
- \QDesk
- MGAQDESK.EXE MGA Win95 QuickDesk program
- M_QDESK.DLL Text strings for MGAQDESK.EXE
- \Color
- HGCCTL95.EXE MGA Color resident program
- Installation
- ------------
- The installation is covered in the "online.doc" file.
- You can view this file with WordPad.
- The installation process can be customized by modifying the "mga.ini"
- file on the diskette. Examples of customization options include:
- default installation path, default driver performance switches,
- default schemes, etc. The file is self-documented. This type of
- customization should be carried out by advanced users only.
- Registry Settings
- -----------------
- PowerDesk settings are kept in the Windows 95 registry, under the keys:
- Notes, Problems, and Limitations
- --------------------------------
- - Another MGA driver on the Windows 95 CD-ROM
- This driver is part of the Windows Driver Library (WDL). In the
- Adapter Type field (Display Properties dialog box Settings tab ->
- Change Display Type button), this driver is called Matrox MGA
- Millennium, while the PowerDesk one is called Matrox MGA PowerDesk.
- The WDL driver does not support PowerDesk.
- - Windows 95 "display.txt" file
- Windows 95 comes with a readme file called "display.txt" containing
- valuable information related to display adapters.
- Note that the remarks about the Matrox MGA adapters refer to the
- Microsoft MGA Ultima/Impression driver, not to your MGA PowerDesk
- driver.
- - Adobe Type Manager limitation
- When Adobe Type Manager is installed, you cannot run the driver if
- the "Advanced Graphics Acceleration Settings" is set to none. Note
- that ATM is installed as part of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is an
- Adobe problem documented in the Windows 95 "display.txt" file.
- - Monitor configuration when upgrading from Windows 3.1
- Take note that an old MGA.INF file created by the Windows 3.1 Monitor
- Selection Program is still compatible with the Windows95 driver, but
- will not contain any data for the 1152 X 864 resolution, forcing the
- Windows 95 driver to fail in 640 X 480 for that resolution. We then
- highly recommend that you reselect a monitor with the MGA Monitor
- Selection property sheet as soon as you finish installation of this
- software product.
- - Monitors in interlaced mode
- Some old monitors such as the IBM 8514 and the NEC 3D do not support
- non-interlaced mode in all resolutions. The MGA driver does not
- properly handle interlaced mode under the Windows 95 monitor
- mechanism, so if you own one of these monitors, please use the MGA
- Monitor Program.
- - PowerDesk and localized versions of Windows 95
- When PowerDesk installs its special settings page in the Windows 95
- Display Properties panel, it should grey-out the normal Microsoft
- "Settings" page. This has been tested under the languages we have
- localized PowerDesk in. With other languages, it may not work. In
- this case, DO NOT USE THE MICROSOFT SETTINGS PAGE. Otherwise, you
- will confuse the MGA display driver, which uses the Windows 95
- "Desktop area" as its VIRTUAL desktop area; rather than changing
- your resolution, you will actually change your virtual desktop.
- - DirectDraw and Automatic Power Management
- As stated in "Microsoft DirectX release Notes" dated September 30,
- 1995, A DirectDraw game might be unable to restore properly if it
- is suspended by Automatic Power Management utilities.
- - Video acceleration under Windows 95
- Microsoft DirectX is supported in this release of the MGA driver,
- including DirectVideo, which provides faster Video for Windows
- playback with programs such as Media Player.
- For an application to use DirectX, a number of support files are
- required. These files include DirectDraw system components,
- DirectVideo system components, and updated Indeo and Cinepak codecs.
- In order to facilitate installation and setup of DirectX, Matrox
- has provided a DirectX upgrade package along with setup program on
- our BBS, WEB page and newest MGA CD-ROM.
- Even if you already have DirectVideo and DirectDraw installed on your
- system, we recommend you run the setup program included in the
- DirectX upgrade provided by Matrox in order to update the various
- codecs. The MGA DirectDraw driver has been optimized for the best
- possible video playback which requires the Indeo 3.2 codec version
- and the Cinepak codec version which are both
- found on the above mentioned DirectX upgrade.
- To start the installation of the DirectX upgrade, use the RUN function
- from the START menu and type A:\SETUP.EXE (if you downloaded the
- upgrade and put it on diskettes), or D:\MGASETUP.EXE (if you have it
- on your CD-ROM).
- - VESA modes:
- Your MGA Video BIOS supports DOS VESA SuperVGA applications and
- games in the following modes:
- Graphics Modes
- Mode Resolution Colors
- 100h 640x400 256
- 101h 640x480 256
- 110h 640x480 32K
- 111h 640x480 64K
- 112h 640x480 16.8M
- 102h 800x600 16
- 103h 800x600 256
- 113h 800x600 32K
- 114h 800x600 64K
- 115h 800x600 16.8M
- 105h 1024x768 256
- 116h 1024x768 32K
- 117h 1024x768 64K
- 118h 1024x768 16.8M(*)
- 107h 1280x1024 256
- 119h 1280X1024 32K(*)
- 11Ah 1280X1024 64K(*)
- (*) requires 4Mb memory
- Text Modes
- Mode Columns Rows
- 108h 80 60
- 109h 132 25
- 10Bh 132 50
- 10Ch 132 60
- - More Information
- More information is available in the WordPad file "online.doc". This
- file is included on your Matrox floppy disk, and installed in your
- \Program Files\Matrox MGA PowerDesk\ folder.